Can I have a do-over? Weekly update: 7/6-12

Seriously, it was just one of those weeks where every little thing went wrong. Little things, not like Vegan Runner Nerd – her 19 yr old daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer recently. Please send them your prayers & good thoughts.


The day started out well: still on the cool side, I got the dogs out for an early walk. Then got myself out for an easy 2 1/2 miles. Which felt normal, but turned out to be pretty slow.

I realized Sunday night that I wasn’t sure where my little phone case one. The one with my license, registration & a few credit cards. I figured for sure I’d search for them & find them pretty quickly. Wrong!

So I went grocery shopping without it. Yup, I drove without a license. I got out later than I’d intended to between the run & the search, but thankfully Trader Joe’s parking lot, which is crazy small & fills up quickly, still had a few spots.

As I’m going to 4 different stores & doing my shopping, I’m racking my brain for where I last had my phone case (I still had the phone, btw). We went out to dinner Friday night & I was a bit worried I’d left it in the restaurant – like I almost did with my sunglasses.

But I’d put a credit card into my pocket before the race, the one I keep in that case, so clearly I had it before the race. My biggest fear was that I had dropped it on the street.

I did finally find it when I got back home. In my gear bag, just like I thought. Yup, the same gear bag I’d ransacked about 5 times before I went out. And in my haste, I’d left my house keys in a different purse. Which I realized as I drove home. Good thing I have a spare pair. Because I did once lock myself out (actually, I did it once in TX, too). I don’t think I’d fit through a doggy door.


Third week of hill repeats, third time rain threatened . . . but didn’t deliver. And it would have been nice, considering the humidity situation.

Apparently the coach used me as an example of “perfect form”, because more than one person said I’ve gotta study you. Well, that should be easy since I’m again DFL out of the 7 runners. As I said to one person, I’ll trade my “perfect form” for their speed. My form doesn’t even prevent injuries!

I skipped the post race TCBY in favor of a Yasso Sea Salt Caramel Bar at home. Then some unplanned popcorn. Running in the evening messes with my appetite & sleep. 😦


I didn’t get to swim.

I always check to make sure the pool is open & check the pool schedule. Except this day. And sure enough they changed it & I couldn’t swim when I got there.

I thought about running errands (I did a few) & coming back to swim later, but it would have taken too long.

No swim. No sauna. Boo.


I met up with My First 5k & More again. It was gently raining when we met. She tried to run at my pace, but she simply can’t run that slowly. That’s okay – it helped me push through to the proper pace for the tempo portion of my run.

Of course the warmup & cooldown were faster than I would normally run them, but our coach said push it on hills/speed work & tempo runs; take it easy on easy & long runs.


Double Chocolate Plaintaain Cookies
Double Chocolate Plaintaain Cookies

I meant to rest today, I really did. I was not terribly successful. I made Double Chocolate Cookies. In the process I dirtied about 3 different bowls. At least the cookies turned out well, but it ended up being more time consuming than I expected. I did get some yoga & core work in, too.


6 miles on the schedule. Longest I’ve run since my 2 halfs in May & it was great! I ran doing my run/walk & in my Newtons & with one of my running buddies from my group. The miles really passed quickly. It was warm, but not humid. We had a nutrition talk afterwards & she brought new treats this year . . . pretzel sandwiches with PB & chocolate. They were awesome. I gobbled ate 3.

Since it was a warm day, I indulged in some ice cream after lunch. I don’t usually keep it at home, but go out for it when the urge hits (typically after a run).


Lola, Chester & Mr. Judy
Lola, Chester & Mr. Judy

A lazy day at home, for the most part.

A local pet store was holding a pet photo shoot, to benefit a charity that basically tries to help keep pets with their owners (helps the elderly, with behavioral problems, financially, etc.).

I have long wanted to bring the dogs to get a “family” portrait, but for some reason or other we have just never made it. They charge you a whopping $10 per print. They even agreed to email us the digital file. Today I told my husband I’d go with just Chester, but he agreed to come & we took both of the pups, obviously.

Since Lola, at 9 almost 10, is still a wild child, I really wasn’t sure how this would work. It worked out well – they just photoshop everything together!

This week’s mileage: 14 – an increase of 1/2-1 mile. Run/walk is actually working well for me now!

I’m linking up with Tara at for her Weekend Update.

Favorite post run snack? Do you ever run with a friend who is slower/faster?

18 thoughts on “Can I have a do-over? Weekly update: 7/6-12

  1. Whew! It;’s a new week, right? Love the pic! We’ve had our little Max for almost six months…and it just occurred me we should probably think about getting a “formal” picture done. We have several individual pics of him, and my father took a “family” picture of all of us on Easter Sunday. As for running with a friend….I used to do all of my running solo, for recreation and training. In the past 18 months or so, I’ve done a lot of running with my friend, Barb. We have a similar pace, and are able to stay together easily for chatting purposes despite the distance 🙂


    1. You’re very lucky to find a friend at a similar pace! Chester, the fawn colored dog, is in heart failure. There’s a real possibility this could be his last summer. That’s why I wanted to make sure I at least got a photo of me & him (although I have others of us my husband has taken). I was glad he agreed to come. He likes to be behind the camera, not in front of it.


  2. Love the photo. Unfortunately it wouldn’t work with cats.

    Yes I run with slower runners as you know and enjoy it. I don’t run with faster runners very often. That is harder. That’s why I run races, I guess.


  3. I don’t anyone to run with. It’s hard finding someone within your pace window. Plus nobody wants to run at the butt crack of dawn, and in MY neighborhood, either. The pet photo is adorable.


    1. Well, Darlene & I don’t actually run together . . . she takes off, I huff & puff after her, she takes a walk break & gets my rear view (not my best side, I keep telling her) . . . but I guess somehow it works for us.


  4. The family photo is cute!
    I am glad the run walk is working for you 🙂 I need to go ahead and do some runs with my timer this week. Last week was tough!
    I struggle on hills I guess especially in t he heat, but I do different things depending on how i feel, but i have no idea what is right. My Doc told me after injury to focus on little tiny steps.
    I hate that panic feeling when you can’t find a credit card.


    1. I had the credit card (although there were others in there). It was the license that had me really panicked! It’s really tough to come back from an injury . . . I was there myself last fall. I started back with C25K. And I’ve since run 2 halfs pain free.


  5. Love the family portrait! That is very special! Nice week of miles! I train by minutes but my daily mile app keeps track of the miles for me 🙂 I love when I get the chance to run with a friend that is faster than I am- I like the challenge! Have a great week!


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