Encourage others: it’s rewarding!

Encourage is an easy  Wednesday Word for me — I love to encourage people!

I totally agree with the quote above. It’s one of the reasons I love Wednesday Word, and actually why I love blogging. There are lots of ways to encourage the people in your life.

Encourage Others

encourage: to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident

I compliment complete strangers all the time: love your hair, cute shoes, great dress. It might be shallow to be complimenting someone on their looks, but try it and watch how that person lights up.

I will encourage people at my Weight Watchers meetings — people who are struggling, because I’ve been there and done that, or people who look great, but don’t think that they do.

I love to encourage the new runners in my USAFit Albany group. There are brave people who sign up and may never have run more than a mile or only a 5k — 13.1 seems so daunting to them. I like to tell them that if I can do it, anyone can — I truly believe that — but you have to want it.

Encourage Yourself

Don’t listen to people who tell you what to do. Listen to people who encourage you to do what you know in your heart is right.

In your life you will have those that encourage you, and those that discourage you. The discouragers are not always malicious; often they’re just concerned about you.

And just as often, if you listen to the voice inside of you that encourages you, you will know what the right thing to do is.

Virtues are acquired through endeavor, which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues can but encourage one’s own efforts.
–Thomas Paine

Deb Runs

Who was the last person you encouraged?

25 thoughts on “Encourage others: it’s rewarding!

  1. I’m one of “those runners” during a race that is not afraid to talk to strangers and encourage them….I know it’s something I appreciate in others, so I try to “pay it forward” whenever the opportunity presents itself 😉

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    1. Oh yes, I often wonder at what age do we become so fearful. If I’d listened to my mom, I’d never have started running.

      I am definitely not fearless, but I hope that as I age, I can continue to try new things.


  2. “Who was the last person you encouraged?” What a great question! I encourage people all day as part of my job as a trainer, but when I stop and think about your question, I guess it was my husband when he finished up work this afternoon and went out for long bike ride. I encouraged him to have fun and ride hard. He’s frustrated that a year after knee surgery he still can’t run, so I encourage him as much as possible to push himself on his bike, and to have fun!

    Thanks for linking up, Judy!

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  3. I encouraged one of my tennis friends to get more exercise. And she went for a walk almost every morning. I was so pleased. And I told her so many times.

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