Grant me wisdom to change course


It takes wisdom to know when you’re spinning your wheels and it’s time to change course.

Wisdom: the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment

I have some experience after about 7 years of running and 12 half marathons. I am always seeking to increase knowledge of running.

Good judgement? Sometimes; sometimes, obviously, not. I guess that’s human.

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.

That is what my Believe Journal is for. I’d like to say I record every workout, but life gets in the way, and there are some holes.

I look at last years journal: how was I running at this time last year? What sort of mileage was I running in the weeks leading up to my goal race? How was I feeling?

That reflection does help me learn some wisdom: when to back off, how much to run, and so on.

This may be more knowledge than imitation, bur I may use the same workouts at the same point in my training cycle: because it worked well for me the first time. Sometimes I’ll try new workouts, because I crave variety.

I love to watch people run — I may try to imitate someone’s running form, or I may look at them and wonder how they ever complete 13.1 miles. I may do workouts or drills and try to imitate the correct form.

I may look at what my faster friends are doing, and think about imitating them. If it works for them . . . although more often than not I march/run to the beat of my won drum.

They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery, but does it bring you wisdom? Sometimes; sometimes not.

Oh boy, Conficious, you gt that one right. I have gained a lot of wisdom through experience, and most of that hard earned wisdom was earned through a lot of pain and suffering: starting too fast, not slowing down to accommodate the temperature, not seeking help for an injury; I could go on and on.

Most of those lessons were learned the hard way, but in the end, yes, they did bring me a lot of wisdom. That doesn’t mean I won’t do something stupid in my next goal race, but it does mean that I am sure to learn from whatever mistake I make and gain a little more wisdom.

I hope that with reflection, imitation, and experience, I’ll have the wisdom to know when it’s time to change what I’m doing.

Deb Runs

Tell me in the comments:

What wisdom have you learned from past mistakes?

What wisdom do you wish you’d learned sooner?

Do you still have your wisdom teeth, by the way? I was about 30 when I had mine pulled!

20 thoughts on “Grant me wisdom to change course

  1. I’m glad I’m not the only one that had my wisdom teeth pulled out late (my dad did, too). I surgeon actually had to pull 5…I must have had extra wisdom but I feel like I’ve lost plenty 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL, 5 — ugh! Yeah, I’d been told I’d need them out but when I was about 30 I said well, when should I do it? And the dentist said before you’re 30. Oops. Thankfully it went pretty well.

      Some days recently I definitely felt like I was losing my mind!


  2. I had my wisdom teeth in my 20s out but not until after, they made my nice straight teeth crooked because there was no room for them.

    I wish I could say honestly that I learn from my mistakes but I don’t.

    I am still trying to learn how to make running more fun and not be disappointed if my time isn’t as fast I think it should have been.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think we are all disappointed when we don’t meet a time goal. You always move on and you always find the good in every race, so that’s pretty wise in my book.

      My teeth never got completely straightened, although I did wear braces, and they’ve moved a lot since, which is obvious every time I take a selfie.

      Still not interested in adult braces, though.


  3. I feel like I am so much wiser now then when I was younger, but I am only human, I am still going to dumb things and make mistakes lol
    I never thought of imitation as far as running…but I do have cute outfit envy 🙂 I often choose things I see other runners in and like.
    I had surgery for my wisdom teeth in my late 20s.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You are smart (actually WISE) to refer back to previous training to see what worked and what didn’t. Other than my very first marathon, I have not kept very detailed record of my training. I kind of used my “first 26.2” plan as a guide, but never actually documented what actually happened in subsequent races. .

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I fear I gain the most wisdom by doing… trial and error… it’s not enough to tell me the stove is hot, I have to see for myself. That’s called stubborn and pigheaded. To which I promptly turn around and say, “I wish I had listened.” 😀

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  6. 12 halfs!! Go Judy go!! I still have my wisdom teeth!! I wished I would have learned that I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself with racing earlier in my career…for so long i pushed it to the max to prove others wrong…and ended up injured and never feeling fulfilled…but perspective is key! And my running mistakes have helped me coach others to NOT go down those rabbit holes:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had all 4 out at once, and all 4 were impacted (like everything about me, my mouth is very small). Plus I had almost no time off at work left, so I worked through Thursday, had them out, I think I had a day or two off plus the weekend and then was back at work. So much fun.


  7. I am on my second Believe journal and I also go back and read it before long runs primarily. I try to note things related to diet and sleep because those things often affect my performance.
    There is always something to learn !

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  8. HaHa, I love your last question! And to answer it, I had to have my wisdom teeth removed when I was about 25 years old.

    “I have gained a lot of wisdom through experience, and most of that hard earned wisdom was earned through a lot of pain and suffering…” Well said!

    Thanks for linking up!

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