Time to stop complaining . . .: 9/26-10/2 Weekly Wrap

. . . about the weather, that is. Except the lack of sun, but hey, it’s the northeast and you better get used to that cause it could snow in a month. Or sooner. Seriously.

I spent a lot of my week acting like an ostrich, not wanting to call or email my sister for fear she’d ask for help and I’d lose this weekend. Thankfully, she didn’t. I don’t much of what’s going on down there . . . I hope that’s a good thing.

So because I’ll be traveling a lot in the next few months, but “wrapped” up with family business too, follow me on Instagram to find out what shenanigans I’m up to. I’m wrapping it up with the Weekly Wrap from Holly @ Hohoruns and Tricia @ Misssipppiddlin because you just never know who you might inspire.


Workouts update

  • Monday: Dogwalking as we made our way back home
  • Tuesday: Dogwalk, 5 miles speedwork (6 x 800),  PT16x16 WO1
  • Wednesday: Dogwalk, PT16x16 WO2, Swim 30 minutes
  • Thursday:  Dogwalk, 3 miles tempo run, YFPR Hips
  • Friday: Shapeshifter Yogaflow, Dogwalk, Easy 3 miles, PT16x16WO3
  • Saturday: 8 miles LSD, YFR Hamstrings & Foundation
  • Sunday: Dogwalk at the park, hopefully some yoga before bed

Mileage: 19 (-1)

TIU = Tone it Up
TM = Treadmill
YFR = Yoga for Runners*
WU = warmup
CD = cooldown
YFPR = Yoga for Pain Relief
YTU = Yoga Tune Up Lower Body*

*Disclaimer: Amazon affiliate links; I will make a small amount of money if you buy through these links

Running updates 

The skirt can’t keep fall away


Another great day to run; too bad I couldn’t get out until almost lunch time! With the cooler Fall temps it wasn’t too bad.

I took this one a little easier than last week’s 5 x 800; I just ran by feel, pretty much. The first 3 were comfortably in the 11ish mm, with the last 3 a bit faster in the 10ish mm. I’ll take it.

I’m beginning to target a time window for my next half, even though the truth is I seriously have no real idea what will happen. Life was too chaotic this training cycle — not enough cross training, not enough yoga, not enough sleep, too much stress . . . but I know I’ve done the best I could with the circumstances, that people are facing far worse than what I’m going through, and oddly enough, I’m feeling pretty strong.

Taper hasn’t started yet, though. Taper can be problematic for me, and not because I hate cutting back on my running — no, I’m all for that! But injuries have often mysteriously popped up in my taper.

Love this Skirtsports top (Code CRJ20 for 20% off regularly priced items)


Two speedwork runs in one week — BOOM! The last time I did a tempo run was the end of August, right before my mom’s surgery and before life exploded!

I forgot to change my laps from half miles to miles again, but as this was a short run, it didn’t bother me that much. It was right before dinner and I had some stress to run off — I’m sure that helped.

People in the neighborhood get pretty creative


It’s rare that I run more than 2 days back to back, but with travel, it happened this week. The beautiful fall weather is making it a lot easier to get out there and run (just not a zero dark thirty).

A pretty steady easy run, and I noted that my left IT is just very slightly irritated.

Early run, early morning dew


I was faced with a choice today: run the last run with my group, despite the fact I’ve barely run with them and knowing that most of my closest friends wouldn’t be there anyway — plus it started at almost zero dark thirty. Also knowing I’d be on my own.

Or meet up with Darlene later in the day. Who didn’t want to run as many miles as me, although in the end she ran more miles than me after earning yet another AG award in a race.

It should be pretty obvious that I chose the group. I thought I’d get my tee, but nope, the head coaches weren’t there. But I had a haircut later in the day and other stuff I really needed to do, so even though I haven’t seen Darlene in over a month, I just wanted to be done early. I also slapped some tape on the IT band as a precaution.

It was a great day to run! Downright chilly at 50 with a slight wind at 7 am and I wore a jacket for the first time since the spring — and did not regret that choice, either. I ran by feel, only occasionally catching glimpses of my pace, ending with nice negative splits — except for one rogue mile — there’s always one rogue mile, it seems.

Since I was on my own anyway, I enjoyed running through the park, rather than around it, as the planned route dictated. Hey, I can be a rebel sometimes. And almost bandited the same 5k I seem to end up either banditing or almost banditing every year!

I am always amazed at how difficult 8 miles seems at the beginning of a training cycle, and how easy it seems at the end (if you’re injury free, of course). I kind of wanted to do 9, but I also didn’t want to hold up the substitute coach forever. I figured one mile won’t make the difference.

I have aimed to take it easier the last couple of weeks before my taper. Not easy, but easier. I think I’ve had a tendency to push too hard in training, resulting in great training and bad races. Not always, but enough to know now is the time I need to ease up. Just a little.

Favorites of the week
The great Fall weather. You gotta love that! The trees are changing and the leaves are falling — we’ll be knee deep in them when we get back later this month.

I ran 3 days in a row and I still feel strong. This week is going to be busy and figuring when to run is going to be tricky

Quick, healthy & yummy

The healthy banana bread bread chocolate chips oat bars from Ambitions Kitchen (you’ll find it on my new Oatmeal Bars board on Pinterest). I whipped them up quickly after my run — I didn’t use oat flour, just quick oats, and it worked fine. I am still baking my way through Monique’s site.

Lots of sushi this week.

And that’s a wrap 

Let’s get the conversation started:

Are leaves changing where you live?

Have you noticed just how early sunset is?

Are you enjoying all things pumpkin (I haven’t started . . . yet)?

38 thoughts on “Time to stop complaining . . .: 9/26-10/2 Weekly Wrap

    1. The oat bars are good. 🙂 And easy!

      Most of the leaves will be gone by the time you get to NYC, sadly, although being south there might be a few left (probably not).

      I never missed the changing leaves when I lived in TX. Probably because I’ve lived in the northeast the vast majority of my life. Yes, they’re pretty, but pretty has to be raked and bagged.


      1. I was in NYC for marathon weekend the past 2 years. The foliage in Central Park was beautiful. It should be even nicer this year since we seem to be having a late fall.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Fall leaves are so pretty, until they fall off. Ugh. We have a wooded lot. Ugh. No worries, they are all still green. The pine straw has been falling and now the acorns too. Ugh. One thing I enjoyed last Fall when I was confined to my bike, was seeing everyone’s fall & Halloween decorations. I had a rogue mile just today. It ruined my progressive run. I just couldn’t pull it together. It amazes me what random aches and pains crop up during taper. Why is that? Enjoy yours! Thanks for linking, Judy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally with you on those leaves. Although actually last year, for the first time, Mr. Judy did most of the work. It was great.

      The pine — ugh! Even worse than leaves. And we have a lot of pines.

      The IT isn’t random, it’s old news, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be a factor, but I’m paying attention to it too.

      Maybe they’re there just to distract us? Very excited for you this weekend, Holly!


  2. You know the weather where I live. I have had the pumpkin lattes but not as much pumpkin as in past years. I have been indulging on the apple pie and cider donuts.

    Our training is so different. I run 12 2 weeks before my half and then 10 the week before. It’s always worked so I’m not changing.

    Work & life is making it hard to fir in a run, You ran 3 days in a row. I only ran 3 days in a week.

    Hope you stay healthy. Maybe we can run together sometime soon. You could come to the rail trail on Thurs if you want. I”ll be running 3 there around 4:30.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I run with Alyssa and or Barbara every week either Wed or Thurs or both. My mah jongg friend Natalie has also joined. I actually have more requests than time to run. You can join us anytime.

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      2. The problem with running with you, Alyssa, and Barbara? I’m still running by myself. It can actually get kind of old, I have to admit. Although it would be nice to see Barbara!


  3. I haven’t seen much color change with the leaves yet…but the sunrise is certainly coming later and later each day. UGH. I have another month until the time change….hoping I can continue with my early morning routine because I love getting my runs done before heading to work (and not having to worry about my energy level AFTER work).

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am definitely noticing darker mornings and evenings. For now, I am able to escape work before it gets dark, but that’s going to get challenging soon. I hope you have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Darker mornings yes, it is light around 8 a.m. Evenings I haven’t noticed so much yet. Pumpkin everything is only in America so I haven’t seen it at all.

    Sounds like you are ready for your race. And it is normal that slight niggles pop up when training changes or we run more than usual. I try not to freak out !

    You’ll do great.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It stays light later in Europe (and did in TX, too). I miss that. Not that I like dark mornings, either.

      Not freaking out — not enough time for that, LOL! I’m really thinking I should just run this for fun and not worry about time (except at the start — don’t want to go out too fast).


  6. The oatmeal bars look good! I am promising myself that I will prepare and eat more healthy snacks instead of piling on the junk. Great job with your runs!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It is rare we get nice fall foliage here. It is like week everything is so hot and green then the next most of the turned leaves are dead and on the ground. I do envy yall that have beautiful fall scenery. I have noticed the time change more so in the afternoons. I hate that soon it will be dark when I leave work. But it is what it is!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We come when we have a reason to be out that way, usually, or when it’s been a long time.

      We have been there many times when the weather has been lovely — we actually do try to avoid the rainy season, but that’s kind of hard to do. 🙂

      Some day I gotta run a half out that way. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lake Sammamish Half. Not the best bling, but a beautiful race. Although, it is in March, so you risking running in a downpour. But there aren’t really any summer ones, and OMG, you don’t want to do RNR. But then again, maybe you do, hehe… but the hills really hurt. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      2. RnR’s the one around Thanksgiving? Or is it some other time? I do Thanksgiving now, so that’s out.

        There’s also the San Juan island half, but that’s definitely hilly too! I ran some of the course when I was there a few years back.

        What about the Whidbey island half? What do you know about that? I’ve never even been there.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I haven’t researched the Whidbey Island Half, but I think you have to run over the Deception Pass bridge which is way the hell up there… I’ll have to see. RNR is actually June. It’s the one I just did when my feet hurt so bad.

        Liked by 1 person

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