5 Ways to Recover Faster


Sometimes running gives us more energy, and sometimes it grinds us down and spits us out. There are ways to help make sure you recover from a hard run so that the next run will be good, too.

I am joining the Friday Five 2.0 from Fairytales & Fitness and Rachel @ Running on Happy to share five things I do to recover.


Hydrate + Electrolytes
You may only drink water during the race, but you’re losing electrolytes through your sweat. So you need to hydrate and make sure you get some electrolytes back into your system.

Keep Moving
It is so, so tempting to just sit down and not move once you finish a race, but if you keep walking around you’ll recover faster and feel less stiff and sore in the following days. Notice I said less — you can expect some stiffness & soreness!

Recovery Snack
You haven’t just depleted your electrolytes, you’ve depleted your glycogen stores too — you know, the things that give you some get up and go. So you need to restock them. Can’t face real food? A smoothie or chocolate milk can start you on the road to recovery.

Compression socks
There is a lot of debate on whether or not compression socks do anything for you while running — although I do feel as though they help — but most research agrees that wearing them after your run can speed u your recovery. One of the main ways compression socks help recovery is by increasing blood flow to your muscles and joints, which helps them get the nutrients they need to recover.

Legs up the wall
Or the couch. Or a stability ball. Or raised on a pillow.

What do you think helps you recover faster from a hard run/race?

Compression socks: never, during, after or both during & after?

Do you have a favorite yoga recovery pose?

29 thoughts on “5 Ways to Recover Faster

  1. YES to all of these (though I don’t always put my legs up a wall!) – I am a firm believer in active recovery so that would be my most important one followed by FOOD (protein/carb) right after a hard workout/race.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are all great tips. I need to put my legs up the wall more. Last weekend after a hot bike ride I put a nun ta in a glass of sparkling water — I think I really needed the extra electrolytes and I felt so much better afterwards.

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  3. Yes know the moving around really makes sense. On days I would come home and lay down after my swimming sessions were the days where I just felt like blahs, but the days where I biked and ran afterwards, I actually felt much better.

    I’m probably one of the few people who are not a fan of compression socks. -M

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I do wear compression socks during longer runs but honestly, I don’t know that they really help because sometimes, my legs are just tired! But, they do help keep things off my legs when I’m running the trails so I go with it. I should probably start wearing them after a tough run but I haven’t yet. I don’t have a good reason why. *shrugs* Probably because they’re so hard to get on and off! (although, I did just learn recently that there are different levels of compression so that may be my problem!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like compression socks, but they’re too hot for me in the summer. Although that reminds me I ought to be wearing some right now . . . oops! When it’s colder I wear them all the time.


    1. My first half was Vegas. Although I did have to walk to get back to the hotel, of course it was almost 10 pm by that time . . . and I hadn’t had any dinner!

      We all live & learn, right?


  5. I like post-race naps.

    I prefer compression sleeves to socks because I have (proportionally) big feet. So if the socks fit my feet, they don’t give much compression to my legs. I usually wear the sleeves for longer races. I will pull out my one pair of compression socks for recovery sometimes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually prefer compression socks — and I, too, have proportionally large feet — I’m 5’1″ and wear a size 9 running shoe!

      My problem with the compression socks were usually that they were too tight around my feet — I don’t like my toes being compressed!

      I actually wear Mud Gear compression socks — they’re not tight on my feet and they have enough cushioning for me.


    1. I run in compression socks when it’s cool — about mid 50s and down. Over that and they’re too warm for me.

      Wouldn’t you know I completely skipped the compression socks after my long run today? Harder to remember when it’s hot & humid (or humid, anyway).


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